Thursday, May 5, 2011

Master Bedroom Closet Minimizing Project

YIKES-A-BEE!! Now that is a scary picture. I can hardly believe I tackled that mess this weekend. That was only my side of the master bedroom closet. My husband joined in on the fun and did his side as well but he did it with a lot more efficiency.
I was inspired to minimize my closet when a friend gave me a mass amount of white hangers. I was excited to have all of my clothes on matching hangers for aesthetically pleasing reasons. I quickly concluded at the beginning of my project that the only way I would adequately purge my closet of the excess was to start with a perfectly empty closet space. By doing this I was much more picky about what I was putting back in.
May I add that purging a closet while pregnant is an extremely difficult task. I basically had to take a shot in the dark and guess which few items would fit after the baby comes. This being my third baby, I have no idea how quickly or slowly all of my parts will find their original places. I think I left myself enough choices that I will not have to go naked but cleared out enough that if I decide to pick up a few new pieces of clothing a few months after the baby comes it will not detract from my closet minimizing efforts. Despite the horror of a mess, I was able to go through everything and have all that I was keeping neatly hanging on white hangers in a matter of a few hours.
My husband actually rocked the closet cleaning purge and got rid of way more than I was expecting. I think his get rid of numbers were higher than mine. Between the two of us we filled two black leaf bags with clothes. They are sitting in the back of my SUV waiting to go to Goodwill tomorrow.
Conquering this task felt amazing! My closet is such a wonderful place to be in now. Matching hangers with neatly hung clothes consisting of only items that we truly wear on a regular basis.  And all seasons of clothing are in the same place. I have already noticed an ease in my laundry tasks.
If you have recently conquered your closet how did it go? Or are you procrastinating…why? Feel welcome to leave comments =)

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